Retropie alos supports wireless xbo360 controller, To be able connect the xbox360 controllers with retropie, you would need a usb xbox360 receiver which can be purchased at and install xboxdrv driver by following the steps.
Make sure the xbox360 reciever is connected via the usb.
Then Access the RetroPie Setup Script (Goto Retropie Configuration screen on the main retropie menu >> chose retropie setup.
At blue setup screen navigate to Manage Packages >> Manage Driver Packages >> xboxdrv
- Enable xboxdrv: This will install the driver and add a start-up configuration in /etc/rc.local
- Disable xboxdrv: This will disable the driver and remove the start-up configuration in /etc/rc.local
- Set Number of Controllers To Enable: Default number of controllers is 2 (If you have more than two controllers, set this first before you enable xboxdrv)
- Set Analog Stick Deadzone: Smaller number = more responsive, Larger number = less responsive.
- Set dwc_otg.speed=1 in /boot/config.txt: May help if controller is being glitchy.
- Remove dwc_otg.speed=1 from /boot/config.txt: Removes the config.
After you have enabled the driver and rebooted you'll need to reconfigure your controller(s) in emulationstation as described on the first installation page
Alternatively you can manually install it (caution requires linux skills) by following the guide at >>
One the xboxdrv driver is installed.
To connect the controller :
- press the button on the receiver
- then press the tiny wireless button on the top of the controller
- you may need to repeat for each controller